In northern Italy, in Villa di Tirano, a pizza maker and his partner made headlines with a notice posted on the window of their establishment. In particular, he asks parents not to come with their turbulent or poorly educated children.
A call that is visibly debated among the clientele with very strong words addressed to parents: “Come without children, educate your offspring, change pizzerias or stay at home” .
The restaurateur, Gabriele Berbenni, is probably fed up with rambunctious children and seeing hisrestaurant, the Bagà, transformed into a playground: “We see children running around, playing hide and seek in the toilets, screaming and standing up on chairs. And the parents don’t tell them anything,” he explains to the daily Corriere della Serra.
“Notice to all parents, leave rude children at home or try to educate them. Children left unsupervised, running around the restaurant, screaming or putting their feet on chairs disturb customers. We reserve the right to take them into the kitchen to make them do the dishes with adhesive tape over their mouths, ” proclaims, among other things, the poster.
The restaurateur’s partner, Sabrina, says she has spent a year asking her customers to calm their children down and says many parents support them in their approach despite » heavy criticism, especially on social networks » .
Despite these criticisms, the couple is ready to « lose part of its turnover in order to protect customers who are looking for a quiet and well-maintained place ».