In the United States, a dog with an amputated leg and suffering from cancer rescued a baby otter trapped in a river.
Gus, a six-year-old Goldendoodle, has proven just how brave he is.
As his handlers spent Easter Sunday along the banks of the St. Croix River (USA), the pooch – whose hind leg was amputated due to a cancerous tumor – didn’t hesitate to rescue an animal in distress.
Indeed, the hairball jumped into the water to save a young otter: “Gus reached the shore holding something in his mouth. It was actually a very small otter ,” said Cleo Young, the dog ‘s owner .
And the least we can say is that the quadruped had sensed that the mustelid needed help. After this incident, Cleo and her family tried to find the mother of the small mammal, in vain.
Faced with this situation, the little animal was entrusted to the Minnesota Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. On the spot, the veterinarians indicated that the otter aged a few days was far too young to swim alone.
It is for this reason that she was transferred to a rehabilitation center equipped with specific swimming pools necessary to raise otters , specifies the Wamiz site. Today, the otter is doing well and getting used to its new environment.
Unsurprisingly, Gus was hailed as a hero by center staff. Despite his disability, he continues to live life to the fullest. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy to treat his cancer.
One thing is certain: without his intervention, the cub could have lost his life.