The boy met a huge bear in the forest but the way he reacted saved his life

A man named Paul decided to spend the weekend with his family by going on a hike.

In the morning, the four of them set off on foot, his wife Anna and his two sons Henri and Pierre, aged ten and twelve. They took their route towards the forest and stopped at the edge of a small river. The weather was nice and everyone was happy.

They wanted to have not only good times but also an unforgettable day.

After having lunch on the grass, the big ones stretched out to dissipate a bit.

The boys started playing ball, and then climbed the small mountain near the shrubs.

Henry the eldest went a little far and suddenly a gigantic bear came out of the bushes and started staring at the boy with great appetite.

His brother saw him stop in front of a huge bear that was a few meters from the boy.

Pierre ran to his parents to call them immediately for help.

The father quickly arrived at the small rocks and saw his boy standing there without moving.

The most important task was to get away from the dangerous bear silently and without panic.

Fortunately the boy was wise enough and was able to find his way in this serious situation.

The brave little guy managed to hold back his emotions and did not betray his fear and terror.

A few more moments and the bear is gone. The father took his son by the hand and everyone turned back to their resting place.

Courage and wisdom saved the boy.