Ghana: he manufactures electric motorcycles by recycling old computer batteries

A young Ghanaian, passionate about two-wheelers, builds electric motorcycles himself, using old laptop batteries.

When you have few means, you have to know how to be ingenious!

Lawrence Adjel knows this better than anyone. Resourceful, this 26-year-old Ghanaian is a genius inventor who manufactures electric motorcycles by recycling used computer batteries.

A real feat, especially since he has no training in the matter.

The young man is indeed neither an engineer nor a mechanic, but he is on the other hand a great motorcycle enthusiast. He is also a recognized amateur driver in Ghana, having notably won several races.

Alas, motorcycles are expensive and in Ghana, which only has the 20 th GDP per capita on the African continent, it is sometimes very difficult to own one. And to make matters worse, fuel can quickly become a money pit for bikers.

It is therefore to meet this need that Lawrence decided to manufacture his own electric motorcycles.

To do this, he collects old laptop batteries, which he connects to the braking and starting systems.

These batteries are of course rechargeable (the recharging time lasts 3 hours) and the latter would have a range of 120 kilometers for 72 volts, as Lawrence explains in the interview below, which he granted to the GhanaWeb media .

The amateur pilot builds his homemade motorcycles in his garage transformed into a workshop. From the fork to the wheels, passing through the frame and the brakes, nothing is left to chance by the young man who takes part in all stages of the design.

Once assembled, the motorcycles are then spray painted to give them more appearance. Lawrence even allowed himself the luxury of installing a smartphone charger on the model he rides every day.

When ingenuity rhymes with simplicity!

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