This is the unusual story of the day. A squadron of gendarmerie was surprised to carry out a check like no other a few days ago, on the highway. The vehicle checked was none other than the famous DeLorean from « Back to the Future ».
Name of Zeus!
A gendarmerie patrol from the Somme had a very funny encounter last week while patrolling the A1, the northern highway which connects the cities of Paris and Lille.
On February 1 , the gendarmes of the departmental road safety squad thus carried out a motorway check that was unusual to say the least, since the immobilized vehicle was a… DeLorean, which one would think straight out of the film “Retour vers le future ”.
The car was indeed a perfect reproduction of the legendary time machine, invented by the no less famous character “Doc” Brown, played by actor Christopher Lloyd .
At the wheel, no Marty McFly but a very friendly motorist who did not hesitate to exchange with the gendarmes in a good-natured atmosphere.
The latter have also wanted to immortalize this meeting with this atypical driver who – you guessed it – is an absolute fan of the trilogy having marked several generations of moviegoers. Snapshots that the military shared on their facebook account.
Photos on which we can see the quality of the details of this reproduction more real than life!
A humorous video, in which two members of the gendarmerie try out the racing car before being propelled into the past in… 1977, was also published on You Tube , as a nod to this unusual control.
The story does not say, however, if the car was tested at 88 miles per hour (141 km/h) or more!