It’s hard to imagine being a surrogate, getting pregnant with twins and finding out that one of the children is your biological child. It’s only in movies that such things happen, right?
Error. It was a fact in the life of Jessica Allen.
Jessica and Wardell Allen had two children together and were a happy couple. Jessica, however, chose to become a surrogate because she felt she wanted to support families unable to conceive and give birth.
Twins were expected. Jessica started IVF procedures as a surrogate mother to a Chinese couple.
She learned she was expecting not one baby, but two babies in April 2016. Jessica was carrying twins at the time.
Doctors informed her that although it is rare, sometimes an egg splits into twins.
The arrival of the twins was announced to the Chinese couple and Jessica’s pregnancy went smoothly.
Before the babies were given to the Chinese couple after birth, she saw that one of them had noticeably darker skin than the other.
The Chinese couple emailed images to Jessica a few days later, and she once noted how drastically different the two looked.
One of the infants did not appear to be Chinese; instead, her complexion matched that of Jessica and Wardell’s other children.
Despite the fact that these were red flags, Jessica did not dare bring them up. The fantastic DNA finds have been returned.
A few weeks later, the Chinese couple began to wonder if everything was going as planned.
The results of a DNA test revealed that the previously unthinkable had become possible. Amazingly, one of the babies was Jessica and Wardell’s biological child – the babies weren’t twins.
They finally got their child back after a long process, and they now feel like a complete family.
It’s a biological mystery in this scenario. Normally, a woman’s period stops as soon as she becomes pregnant, but in rare cases it can be prolonged, allowing a woman to become pregnant, even if she is already pregnant.