The heartbreaking message of this mother whose son is the only child in his class not to have been invited to a birthday party

On the Reddit forum, a grief-stricken mom explains that her 8-year-old son is the only child in his class who hasn’t been invited to a birthday party.

Yesterday, a woman took to Reddit to share her grief. In a heartbreaking message, she explains that her 8-year-old son is the only child not to have been invited to a birthday party.

“ My eight-year-old child came home crying last night because his friend distributed invitation cards to all the children in the class,” she explained on the forum. The problem? Her child was not invited to the party.

“My son is struggling to fit in”
In her message, the mother of the family says that her son and the other little boy get along well when they are alone. However, the classmate in question may act mean to him in front of the rest of the class.

“ I have no problem that M (nickname given to the boy, editor’s note) does not invite my son. It’s his party and he can invite whoever he wants , ”says the mother.

Before adding: “ But it seems unnecessarily cruel that M deliberately excludes my son, and only my son, in front of his classmates. My son is already struggling to fit in and find friends (…) ”.

Today, the author of the message is afraid that the situation will get worse: “ I am afraid that it will become even more difficult for him now that M has made it clear to the other classmates that my son must be rejected and excluded of the school ”.

She has since considered speaking to the school’s principal to ask him to clarify his policy regarding «party invitations». Unsurprisingly, his testimony quickly went viral.

Indeed, the post garnered more than 500 comments in two days. » If I found out my baby boy was excluding someone, I would cancel his party ,» read one of the reactions.