A hungry dog and her emaciated newborns were rescued in time

For the rescue of many animals, time is crucial. The most important thing is when rescuers have a chance to save newborn puppies. The first few weeks of life are very important for a puppy.
When an abandoned dog gave birth on the street in 2020, the people who discovered it knew they needed to act quickly to save the whole family. After the birth of a litter of six puppies, the mother dog was completely exhausted. She didn’t have the strength to take care of her newborns.

Unfortunately, two of these puppies did not survive. The rescuers did everything to ensure that the others avoided this tragic fate.

Poor mom didn’t trust her rescuers.

It was not easy to help the dog: the frightened and exhausted dog showed aggression towards rescuers.Rescuers assumed that the dog was abandoned not so long ago, so she was still wearing a collar.

Abandoned dogs often show aggression due to fear and anxiety. This traumatized mom attacked the rescuers when they wanted to rescue the puppies. Rescuers understood that she did not trust strangers.

In the end, rescuers managed to get the whole family off the street. The four puppies were very weak, they all had to lean on each other.

After the rescuers gave the mother dog food and water, she regained her strength. Then she was able to give her puppies the milk they desperately needed. During the first four weeks, mother’s milk is the only thing that puppies receive.

After getting enough food, the puppies eventually gained weight. Soon they opened their eyes for the first time. Mom-dog remained « nervous », but already felt much better.

If rescuers had reached these dogs much later, who knows how many puppies would have survived. Not to mention that life on the street is very hard.

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