The photo of this kitten smiling has gone viral

If there’s one thing we all agree on, it’s that the internet loves cats. We saw a grumpy cat. We saw cats that look like dinosaurs. We have seen cats that simply exist. We don’t know exactly what’s special about them, but we can’t deny that a good cat photo goes viral.

Lauren Boutz is a cat lover. So much so that she became a foster mother for orphaned kittens from the animal welfare service in the city of Albuquerque, located in the US state of New Mexico. She welcomes kittens into her house that she feeds, loves, cares for… and photographs in her spare time.

Recently, Lauren Boutz welcomed a kitten named Blossom into her home. Only five weeks old, this young female amazed her protector with an incredible cuteness. It must be said that in addition to being particularly cute, she is very good at taking poses as surprising as they are unique, to believe that Blossom has always dreamed of being in front of the camera!

Lauren Boutz took photos of Blossom, some with two of her kitten friends named Bubbles and Buttercup. You will see that if cats already have the reputation of being very cute, kittens are even more so. And what happened during the photo session will probably surprise you.

Indeed, Blossom smiled. Yes yes, you read that right. A 5-week-old kitten flashed an infectious smile as she was photographed. A bit as if she had decided to play the game by offering a positive attitude to the photographer.

When Lauren Boutz saw Blossom smiling through the screen of her camera, she took the opportunity to take several photos, and these of course went viral. And for good reason, it seems that a shot of a little ball of fur like Blossom smiling is quite contagious, thus making those who see his funny portrait smile .

Typically, cat owners are pretty used to seeing their companion appear indifferent to the camera, so if you’re not sure what a happy, motivated cat looks like, take a look at these photos of Blossom and you will be immediately set.

No, Blossom doesn’t always smile. She also makes other more typical cat faces, but either way, she’s an adorable kitten…especially when she’s got the smile, right? If you’d like to see more photos of Blossom and follow her daily progress, head over to Lauren Boutz’s Instagram account .