It’s not that often that a grandmother is lucky enough to celebrate her 100th birthday on the same day as her great-great-granddaughter. Vivian Thomas, an American, shared this special day with Eloise, who was celebrating her 1st birthday.
In Lake Crystal, Minnesota , the Thomas-Dahl family celebrated a milestone for two members of their extended family a month ago. In May, Vivian Thomas celebrated her 100th birthday while little Eloise celebrated her 1 year of existence on Earth.
Indeed, Vivian Thomas and her great-great-granddaughter were born on the same day 99 years apart. A very special birthday for Vivian, her children, her grandchildren and their children. A beautiful family reunion between the new centenarian and the youngest member of the fourth generation.
For this very special day, the two main interested parties were therefore reunited for a symbolic photo. Sitting on the lap of her great- great-grandmother , Eloise poses all smiles for the photo.
A special day in a special place as Vivian Thomas has resided in Lake Crystal… for 100 years. The centenarian has never left her hometown and does not want to move either, in order to stay with her family which continues to grow.
For the American media Fox 9 , Vivian Thomas shared her secret to living so long: » No smoking, no drinking and no sweets « , she replied. In the meantime, Vivian is taking full advantage of her family.