The Prickly Patients: A Look at Veterinary Hospitals’ X-Raying of Hedgehogs

Unbelievably, hundreds of hedgehogs enter veterinary offices each year, and about two-thirds of them will need an X-ray. Many animal enthusiasts choose to keep these tiny, spiky animals as pets, but because to their special physiology and ingrained habits, they are especially prone to harm and disease. X-rays are a crucial diagnostic tool in the care of these animals because they enable veterinarians to spot a variety of medical conditions.

So how precisely are X-rays taken of a hedgehog? To keep the hedgehog calm and immobile throughout the process, it is first carefully put under anesthetic. After that, an X-ray beam is pointed towards a tiny plate that has been positioned behind the object of interest. The hedgehog’s body is penetrated by the beam, and the resultant picture is recorded on the plate. The plate is then taken off, and the veterinarian processes and examines the picture.

X-rays are helpful in finding fractured bones, foreign objects, and other interior injuries that might not be apparent from the outside, among a variety of other health problems. They can also be used to track a hedgehog’s recovery from a chronic illness or the course of its treatment.

Hedgehogs are a regular and significant patient for veterinary clinics all over the world, despite the fact that they might not be the first animal that springs to mind when you think of X-rays. Hedgehogs should be properly cared for, just like any other pet, and should receive medical attention as necessary. And to keep these tiny animals healthy and happy, that frequently entails having an X-ray.