What you need to travel with your pet. Here are some tips for you.

Having a pet means sharing everything or almost everything: to take it on vacation with us you need the European pet passport: let’s see how it works.

Adopting a pet undoubtedly means making it part of our family, and the time of the vacations is always the most complex to manage. But everything has been simplified with the introduction of the European pet passport, indispensable for its identification.

How to travel with your pet
Travel with your pet: here’s how the European pet passport works. Credits A. Stock
In fact, since 2014 there are rules in place that affect both the safety and health protection of animals when traveling, especially to protect them from illegal trade.

Traveling with your pet is not a problem: just apply for a pet passport
In order to travel, the animal must travel with the owner listed in the document, but not only. It is also allowed to do it with a person with the permission of its owner.

Rules for traveling with a pet

To travel with a pet it is essential to respect some basic rules:

Do not exceed the number of 5 animals per trip, this happens because exceeding this threshold is considered a commercial trip.
The exceptions concern animals that are more than 6 months old and destined to participate in exhibitions, it is sufficient to show that the animal is registered for the indicated event.
How to travel with your pet
Travel with your pet: here’s how the European pet passport works. Credits A. Stock
In fact, this type of passport is intended to replace the animal’s health booklet, which is why it must contain a certification of vaccines taken, especially rabies shots, which are mandatory. As well as the personal data of both the animal and the owner. But how do you get this passport?

Apply for European pet passport
The passport for animals is issued by the veterinary service of the ASL. To get it just that the animal is registered at the Regional Register of Pets and have the microchip, or the identification tattoo if done before July 3, 2011.
This document is given only after the third month of the animal just to allow him to make the vaccine.

Once you go to the veterinary offices of the ASL, the owner must provide documentation that includes: the control of the legibility of the microchip, the certificate of registration to the Canine Registry, the health booklet, with the certification of rabies vaccine valid, the receipt of payment according to the region of reference, the price tends to vary between € 5.00 and € 15.00.
It is also necessary the identity document and the tax code of the owner who has reached the age of majority.

The passport itself has no expiry date, as the expiry dates apply to the vaccines reported. Tend to refer to the expiration of 12 months for the booster vaccine against rabies.

Vaccines required for Europe

If the destination of the trip is Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden or a Third Country on European territory, such as the Principality of Monaco, the treatment against Echinococcus multilocularis and an immunological test for rabies antibodies are required. It is important to know that in the United Kingdom it is forbidden to introduce some breeds of dogs such as Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro.

The veterinarian must certify on the passport the medical examinations and vaccines done, as well as bring a certificate certifying the health of the animal.

Traveling with your pet is always a unique experience, but in addition to applying for the European pet passport is always good to find out how it works for each country, it is the only way to be prepared and not run into unpleasant surprises.



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