The pensioner was offered half a million rubles and a car for the cat Lev. « I don’t sell children, » the man replied.
A cat named Leva is very smart: he knows different commands and even performs sports exercises. His master taught him that.
The cat was born in Mongolia. Once he had brothers and sisters, but the ruthless mistress drowned the children, leaving the most beautiful of them. The cat managed to save the only kitten and ran away with him from home. At first they lived on the street, and then at the nearest military base.
In a new place, the animal met the grandson of Peter Petrovich. After the end of the service, he took Levа to his hometown of Kaliningrad to hand him over to his grandfather.
From that moment on, Grandpa and the cat are literally inseparable and spend every free minute together. An elderly man, a former military man, trained a four-legged pet, and now the whole city admires his abilities.